Monday 3 June 2013

Printable - Free Book Label (3 Different Themes)

School has started and a new session means new books/notebooks, new books mean covering them with brown paper and colorful labels... As a kid we always got excited about new books and new name labels. I remember, buying books and covering them was one of the best part of my schooling years.

Momsters has worked on developing name labels which can be printed free of cost. These labels can be used to add color as well as a personal touch to your child's books.

What better? We have created 3 different themes for you to choose from. You can pick from our:
  • Animal Adventure theme
  • Bookworm theme
  • Alphabet Theme (you can use these keeping your child's initial in mind). 
Click on the pictures below to get these in their original  size, save them and get it printed... Voila! your name labels would be ready.


  1. Really cool labels. Will surely use the Alphabet labels for my daughter soon. :)

    1. Thanks Swapna. Glad you liked em. Am designing more. Do lemme know if you guys will like any specific theme

  2. thanx for sharing

    i'm now printing this

  3. they are super cool...can u design something with a sports theme??
