Monday 12 September 2011

Rithvik the Rhythm of My Life

Who am I?

I may not know to write a blog in a poetic form, but I’m sure; my life has turned into a sweet poem.
With endless comas, after Rithu's arrival. I am, Monika Anand, mother of an almost 3 year old (DOB: 17.03.2010) boy baby named Rithvik....

Who I was & what has changed:

I was Monika, an I.T. Student who turned into a Business woman later. I can call myself an obedient daughter, a loving sister, an emotional girl, a sweet friend & a lucky wife.
These things did not matter to me all these days but what matters now is, I’m A Proud to be a Wonderful Mom....
Rithu's First Step In To My Life:

From the day I know I was carrying a baby, my life started to change... I was filled with lots of colors and emotions... I always had a dream that one day I would become a mother.... From the fourth month of my pregnancy, I just started communicating with my baby & started feeling the responses he gave back... Me and my hubby always wished for a normal delivery... One main reason was that my hubby could have been with me through deliver. My due was on 18.03.2010 & on 17.03.2010 I got my first pain. All of a sudden I knew I would have my baby in my arms soon. After going through 12 hours of labour pain, I was not able to have a normal delivery & had to opt for a C-section... My Maternal Uncle operated me & around 9.57 pm, I heard him saying "Da Come out" & I knew I have delivered a boy baby. Doctors told u have delivered Mr. Hulk, Rithvik weighed 4kgs.... I started laughing & crying, when the nurse showed me Rithu for the very first time... I was filled with so many emotions.

I was taken aback by the first sight, seeing my son, the most memorable moment of my life. My hubby who was standing outside the operation theatre, was hearing all that was happening inside, with the help of my uncle's phone. The phone in my hubby's hand was in speaker mode & all 20 relatives around were hearing. After 2 hrs when I was shifted to my room, I was longing to hold my baby in my hands for the first time & asked my hubby, how he felt when took his son for the first time? He replied "I'm waiting for you, come let’s take him together...." 

We Are Family:

We are a nuclear main reason for shifting to Tirupur is that either side of the family would be able to spend time with Rithu, so that he grows and develops a strong family bond.... I'm a short tempered woman, who now has forgotten the word "temper".

I do feel angry when Rithu does something naughty, but then his mischievous smile, sorry face & just simply seeing his face makes me forget everything.

Being A Mommy:

As already decided by us, we named him Rithvik (if it was a girl baby then we decided Rithvi). I always loved to call him Rithu...It was not difficult for me to handle Rithu, in his early days or even now, since I love baby sitting...

He calls me "AMMA" gives a smile- which is only for me, hugs my neck & sleeps in my arms...... My Dream of becoming a Mom has come True... Can’t express my feelings in words..

Daddy & Rithu:

Before even I was carrying, one day we were out for shopping, where I found a lovely family picture in front of us... The wife was rolling the cart & shopping & husband holding a small boy in his arms..

When I asked Anand, "after a few years, same thing might happen in our lives, isn’t it???" Anand who hasn't handled any baby before rithu's arrival, looked at the family for a while, turned & looked at me & said; "Let me hold you in my arms & let you hold our baby in your arms, coz I love you more than anything in this world." I started flying, hearing him saying so, but then I knew his statement would definitely change one day.. After Rithu's arrival, finally the day has come for which I was waiting all these years...

We were out for shopping & when I said you do the shopping Anand, let me hold Rithu.. Immediately I got a reply, "no no you do the shopping, let me & my son explore this world..."

As I was expecting the same answer from him, I started laughing.. Anand who totally was confused seeing my reaction (forgot our previous conversation), later learnt through me why I was reacting so & joined with me, hugging our son tightly.... Now I’m sure Anand loves Rithu more than anyone in this world..Love you dad..

Tough Path:

I have heard a saying; "Asking Questions Is Very Easy & Toughest Thing Is Answering Those Queries" Felt How True Those lines are, when Rithu started asking me questions... If he is not bored, then might repeat to ask the same question 1000 times... "Whatz This??Whatz That?? Sometimes I feel that I’m not capable to cope up with his speed, in learning new things...

Bringing Rithu Up:

Shaping up a kid is the most challenging job.. But I don't have any ideas of how I should bring him up, instead I would like to grow with him, learn with him, shape up myself how I have to be, when I’m with Rithu., Waiting for him to grow little old, so that can start exploring the world in full swing, than ever before..

I'd Make Sure:

He gets everything in this world, at any cost, promising myself- that its really required for him & not by compromising. Would like to shower Tons & Tons of Love on him...Want to protect keeping him in my eye, set free to fly anytime... In this independent World I don't want my son to be dependent on anyone...

Love You Mom:

When someone says, that I have become thin, I immediately see Rithu's weight chart & feel happy, coz it has gone up for sure.. When someone points out me, my dark circles, will see Rithu's flawless face & feel happy for working on it.. All My Cupboards are full of Rithu's dresses... All My Medical bags are full of your files... All My drives are full Of Your Photos... All My shopping is meant for you... All My Candle Light Nights are now sleepless nights... And My Heart & Mind is full of you you & only you... Sacrificing anything & everything for Rithu is my first & foremost job now, which I love to do..Finally, I would love to hear my own heart beat & I am damn sure; it would beat as Rith-Vik, Rith-Vik instead of Lup-Tub, Lup-Tub.    Love you Rithvik.......


  1. Awesome post Moni.... I know it feels wonderful to be a mother :)

    Waiting to read ur next post... and the next... and the next...

  2. you know while going through each and every line ... i was imagining first about rithwik and next suddenly i will imagine rishith ... it is so nice to go back to all those memories ..lying on the labor room waiting for his arrival with pain as well as exitment to till now .. rishith and rithwik are twins and their memories are also attached :-) ..Nice one moni ...
