Tuesday 4 December 2012

How to Treat Your baby's Pinkeye

Infants and Toddlers get many bugs, maybe because they're pretty young and they do not understand how important hand washing is... they don't know it's crucial to cover ones face when they sneeze and cough. A not so pleasant thing a toddler can get is pinkeye. Pinkeye is also called conjunctivitis. At times the reason behind it is bacteria, and at other times a virus.
Treating if is crucial as most Pinkeye is contagious. Firstly, recognizing Pinkeye is important.  How do you know your toddler is suffering from Pinkeye:
  • redness of the eyes
  • crusty layers form around the rim of the lower eyelid.
  • swelling around the whites of the eye and the eyelids.
  • Check blood vessels in your child's eye white these might look inflamed.

If these symptoms exist, please make an appointment with the pediatrician immediately. The doctor might suggest some antibacterial drops, which wouldn't help it the infection is viral. There are many home treatments you might take up:
  • Wet a washcloth with lukewarm water and gently wipe off any yellow crust if present. (Word of caution... wash the cloth immediately and do not re-use it.)
  • If your child is in pain, do check with your pediatrician for something which would decrease the pain
  • If there is not any inflammation in their eye, a warm compress would be helpful.
  • If there is inflammation, use a cold compress.
  • Keep an eye on the toddler and make sure s/he doesn't rub/scratch their eyes.
  • Try to keep your toddler in your house, till the time they are infected. If they go to Daycare, play-dates, schools, etc. they might spread the infection among other children.
  • Make sure your toddler's bed linen is washed frequently till the infection goes.
If your toddler has fever, complains of growing pain, or has some sort of trouble in their vision check your doctor immediately.

Pinkeye should cure in a matter of days, the irritation will remain for which the doctor will continue some drops or ointment.


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