Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Introduce your Preschooler to Pepper

Zoe is now growing and has better understanding of stories. She also faces various little issues which are a big deal for her... starting school, sharing toys, going on a play-date etc. I was on a lookout for small stories which help her understand these situations in a simple yet effective manner. I found the Pepper series just perfect for the same.

Pepper series are short stories which can be read to your 2-6 year old. You can choose from a wide range of books which deal with different situations. I love the illustrations and the simple texts. More than that I just love the simplicity in which these books weave real life situations into stories your kid will love. And who wouldn't love to read a book which revolves around a cute little puppy.

These books can be purchased for Rs. 40/- per book.

Do check out our video review of Pepper series.


  1. where do we get these books?

    1. These are available very easily across various bookstores.

  2. Hi - I tried to look for these books in flipkart and find them to be out of print! :(
