Thursday, 12 September 2013

Books talking about 'Good Touch Bad Touch': Child Sexual Abuse

Before I go in the details of the books, please see this video. I must have seen this so many times... and it always gives me shivers.

This was not an easy piece to compile. I had to come to terms with the fact that we are living in a world where there is a constant fear looming over our head. I researched about books written on this topic, went through many books and finally came up with the names which will help our kids stay safe. 

This is a guide for us parents and it is extremely important for all of us to read this. Talking to kids about sexuality has never come easy to parents. This is a no-nonsense, straightforward guide which helps parents/adults.

Recently started reading this to my almost 3 year old and she does like listening to it. The pair of friendly fish guide you through the book. Perfect to start with a 3+ year old child.

Another book which you can read to your preschooler.  The book explains your child what to say/do if someone touches their body when they don't want to be touched, especially when the action involves the touching of private parts. 

A perfect read-aloud for your 4+ year old. It gives some important information about inappropriate touching. What  need to be done if a children experiences an abusive situation.  

Another one for a 4+ year old child, I can be safe is a friendly little book that understands kids' fears and tells them about things they need to know to feel safe in different situations.

A book for slightly older children (8+years), it flows as a conversation between a child & her mum about sexual abuse and ways to keep one's body private.

A tale about how harmless physical contact can cause problems for children. It gives us parents a non-threatening story line for teaching children about the privacy of their bodies and their right to say no to any kind of uncomfortable touch. For children ages 4-8. 

If you have a 6+ year old, go for this book. Helping kids set healthy boundaries for their private parts can be a daunting and awkward task for parents, counselors and educators. Written from a kid s point of view, I Said No! makes this task a lot easier.

Preschool children learn safe boundaries, how to distinguish between "good" and "bad" touches, and how to respond appropriately to unwanted touches.

Recommended for your preschooler. Every child has secrets, and many secrets are fun to keep—for instance, a surprise birthday gift for Mom, or a secret handshake with a young friend. But sometimes, children have secrets that make them feel bad, and these secrets are best shared with their parents, or with some trusted older person.

An introduction to personal safety aimed at young children for 5+ year olds.

Written by an expert in child safety book teaches kids (and helps adults reinforce) seven important rules to personal safety in a nonthreatening way.

2 books by the same writer, which address the subject of children dealing with sexual predators in a mature way. This titles are suitable for parents as they seek to protect their children from those who mean them harm. Appropriate for 6+ year old children.

Book for young kids on good and bad touch where one kid talks about the good touch while the other about bad touch, recommended for 4+ year olds


  1. this is an article thats need-of-the-hour ...gone are the days when parents were scared of discussing such things fact , I am not ashamed to say that even i suffered a bit of child abuse in my childhood in school but never had the courage to discuss it with my parents even though they are very open minded only because i had no idea what was being done to me ... I really appreciate you compiling this and I will ensure I have my dd go through all of them

  2. Thanks for listing such useful books. great job.

  3. Thanks for compiling this Falak! Tough as it may be, it is our responsibility as parents to teach our little kids about this. It breaks my heart to see that even toddlers are not safe in this world full of perversion.

  4. Thanks for compiling this Falak!
