Saturday 29 March 2014

Raising Strong Daughters - Dads speak

We did a post on 'Raising Strong Daughters' where we spoke to mums about raising strong daughters... and we also spoke to mums about raising boys who would respect girls. We have always maintained the Momsters is a 'Parenting Blog' and I'm not a 'Mommy' but a Parenting Blogger. Hence we decided to speak to a few dads on the topic.... and we got some amazing dads telling us what they feel. 

We spoke to a few dads who have daughters. I asked them What are they doing to 'Raising Strong Daughters'

Tuesday 25 March 2014

March Birthday Theme - Going on an Adventure

Adventure is always fun for kids, and this month our Birthday Theme pick revolves just around that - Going on an Adventure!

I will start with just a picture I got. This is a great idea for a photo booth for the theme. And its very simple to create as well. Photo Credit -  Angela D Photography 

Thursday 20 March 2014

Raising Strong Daughters

*Long post ahead, sit back and read with a cup of coffee or chai

I’m blessed to have Z as my daughter, and frankly I always saw myself as a mom of a daughter from the time I got pregnant. I have been brought up in a household with 3 daughters and we were never made to feel any different. Our mom and dad never ever made us feel that we were any less. We were pampered, at the same time, we were allowed to rough it out, take our own decisions, make our mistakes and learn from them. Growing up we saw our parents as partners.  We were brought up as confident ‘individuals’ and we were told we can do anything if we believe in ourselves. 

Though, in India, this was pretty unusual back then. I did have people in the extended family who kept boys on a pedestal. Then there were friends who were supposed to behave in a particular manner, just because of their gender.  I didn't quite understand the hype about gender till I became a mom.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

The Roller-coaster Ride called Parenting

Yesterday, I read these two articles which made me write this blog post. One says parenting is nothing but stress and pain … the other by a mom blogger totally glamorizes it (wouldn’t want to quote that here). Frankly, when I read the later, I fell in love with it as it said all good things about being a mom… when I read the newspaper article, I was fuming. When I sat back and read the articles again… I realized both the articles are showing a one-sided picture… which isn’t fair. 

Image Courtesy - Northshore Mums

Thursday 23 January 2014

Entertaining your 1 year old baby without toys (well almost)

If you know how to entertain a baby it is easy-peasy but if you don’t have a clue then you are in a mess. Yes, entertaining a baby is not easy at all. 

If you know the art, you will realize it is very simple to entertain your littlest ones.
  • Peek – a – Boo; well this is a sure shot way to keep your little one very happy. And you don’t need anything… just spend time laughing with your little one. You can hide behind your hands, your sari, a book, curtain anything.
  • Finger painting; if you are unsure of introducing baby friendly paint to your baby, don’t sweat… you can make Edible Finger Paint and have some messy fun
  • Never too young for a book; many parents feel their babies are too young for a book. I started reading to Z when she was a month old and she loves her books. It is an art to keep your little one involved in a book, get comfortable and cozy. Work on your tone and make sure you point out on the pictures as you read through. Ask questions, though they won’t answer, but question looking them into their eyes. When they get a little older try making them turn those pages. 
  • Talk to them, you’ll have to do all the talking as of now, but seeing your baby smile and react is a beautiful experience. 
  • Sense-ational Fun; help your baby experience different sounds, textures, smell and taste (make sure you do not go over-board and keep the age of your child in mind). You can use sand, leaves, musical instruments, pots and pans, etc. 
  • Zip-Lock Colours; add paint in a Zip Pouch, mix different colours. And let the kids be involved in this super fun activity. Tape the Zip Pouch to make sure the colour doesn’t spill out. 
  • Balls with sounds will never go wrong 
  • Play with Fingers; let your fingers play, tap their fingers, pull the little fingers and have lots of fun.  
  • Paper, give them a sheet of paper or newspaper and see them have fun tearing the sheet. They will not stop giggling.  
  • Sing to them; you can choose rhymes or songs anything. If you dance as well they will have all the more fun.

Monday 20 January 2014

January Pick - Alphabet Theme Party

When you think of kids you think of schools and ABCs... and that is what we have chosen as the theme of the month. 

Thursday 16 January 2014

Buying a car seat

Car Seat has now become an essential for kids in India, though some parents still do not want to buy one as they are expensive. Car seats are the safest way to carry your kids (especially your babies and toddlers) in the car. safety needs to be the prime concern when it comes to buying a car seat for your child. Next you need to age, height and weight of your child and the size of your car as well.

If you have a car, then it is best to invest in a car seat when the baby is born. Before you buy, make sure you try the car seat before buying one. Not all car seats fit in all cars.

Rear Facing infant car seat

Monday 13 January 2014

Let us create a Dream Reading Space!

While growing up, the best part of my room was this big window, besides which I used to sit with my books. I can still spend days there reading and dreaming. I'm developing a reading corner for Z as well, so that she can spend time there browsing through books and later reading them. A reading corner is 'magical', a reading space adds on the the entire reading experience.

Thursday 9 January 2014

Playdough Letter Press Activity

I have been doing this activity with Zoe for the past couple of months and she shrieks when ever she sees mom with playdough and alphabet cutouts. I took inspiration for this activity from Playdough to Plato

You would need Play-dough, alphabets (magnetic, wooden, plastic any kind of alphabets cutouts), I also use a tray but this is optional. 

Zoe loves playing with her phonics and numbers, she loves play-dough as well so this was a sure-shot hit for her. For Zoe I just use random alphabets and numbers because she is still too young to understand sight words. I add lots of playdough on the tray, I use a lighter colour (as you can see in the picture) so that the letter traced is easily visible. The moment Zoe prints a letter she goes "Momma, look what Zoe made". She can easily stay busy with Letter Press Activity for a few minutes at a go... which is huge for a preschooler.

For older kids, one can use this activity to make them understand sight words.

Monday 6 January 2014

Kid's Lunchbox Printables

Zoe's school started after the winter break and I started keeping small pictures that make her happy and finish her lunch, I will upgrade to notes once my baby starts reading. You won't imagine how happy she was when she returned from school on the 1st day. She kept say 'Mamma, Smiley Face... Zoe loves Smiley face'. Seeing her so happy made me smile, it is not pleasing a little preschooler.

Keeping small little notes in your little one's tiffin box will mean a big deal for your little one. It is an amazing way to surprise your little ones as well. Needless to say, it will help them read better as well. 

Below are some cute lunchbox printables I found online, which you can use or take inspiration from. Just click on the pictures below to download.

Blissfully Domestic
Paper Coterie

Mums Business

Creative Chaotic and Definitely Crazy

Get Buttoned Up

Cap Creatives